Friday, May 20, 2011

Blog Post #11

Shadae: I met this guy at the clubyesterday he was gorgeous I think we connected I feel like he is different . .
Alysia: (laughs) Woah slow down you just met this guy yesterday not to mention  you met him at a club.
Shadae: I know but if you were there and seen him you would see he was different.
Alysia: Different Huh? How?
Shadae: Well he was partying with his friends and we made eye contact and it's like we fell in love right at the moment. So he walked over to me and he introduce himself completely abandoning his friends.  We dance, talk and drink all night. He was really interesting we talk about a little bit of everything. He was really funny and charming. Compliments is always good and I receive alot of  them. We pretty much chilled all night.
Alysia: (sarcastically) Aw how cute
Shadae: Why you have to be so negative ?!
Alysia: 1. You just met him
Shadae: ...
Alysia: 2. You both was drinking and he was probably telling you what you wanted to hear
Shadae: Whatever
Alysia: 3. He probably wanted to just get in your pants.
Shadae: You're such a hater
Alysia: No I'm just telling you be careful did he call you yet?
Shadae: No I haven't heard from him but he'll call he's probably just busy

1 comment:

  1. This is a well crafted dialogue but I think you can strenghten it by having Shadee mention some of the compliments she heard from the man she met at the club.
